Little Debbie Park
Stroller Strides® is a 60-minute total-body workout with strength, cardio, and core training, all while engaging the little ones in a stroller! You’ll leave class feeling strong, empowered, connected, and energized—no matter your stage of motherhood.
Strides Express is a virtual 30-minute functional, total-body conditioning workout comprised of strength-training, cardio, and core restoration.
Stroller Barre® is a 60-minute stroller workout that improves your posture, stability, and mobility while strengthening your body from the inside out! Reconnect with your body, increase flexibility, and find the inner strength you need for motherhood.
Barre Express is a virtual, 30-minute workout that improves your posture, stability, and mobility while strengthening your body from the inside out! Reconnect with your body, increase flexibility, and find the inner strength you need for motherhood.
Increase your endurance and speed to sprint through mom life with Strides 360! Come play with your mom friends, with or without the stroller, during this 60-minute heart-pumping workout that will energize you for the rest of your day!
Body Boost is a 60-minute mom-only workout that is challenging, empowering, and energizing. By combining cardio, strength, core training, and meditation, you will leave this workout refreshed and recharged for all that comes with motherhood.
Body Boost Express is a virtual, 30-minute mom-only workout that is challenging, empowering, and energizing. By combining cardio, strength, core training, and meditation, you will leave this workout refreshed and recharged for all that comes with motherhood.
Body Ignite is a mom-only strength workout that targets every muscle in your body. This easy-to-follow program will increase your metabolism, athleticism, and ability to lift, lunge, and push everything mom life throws your way!
Body Ignite Express is a virtual, mom-only, 30-minute strength workout that targets every muscle in your body. This easy-to-follow program will increase your metabolism, athleticism, and ability to lift, lunge, and push everything mom life throws your way!
Come together and enjoy the camaraderie of running in a group with our twice weekly, self-guided group runs. These runs are designed to foster connection, motivation, and accountability, allowing mamas to run at their own pace and comfort level while still benefiting from community support.
FIT4BABY is a program designed to strengthen the body for all the changes it will experience during pregnancy. The class includes cardio, strength, flexibility and balance training -all designed pursuant to the American College of Obstetricians + Gynecologists (ACOG) guidelines. Each class is led by a certified prenatal fitness instructor and will support your body, mind and spirit through pregnancy and BIRTH! FIT4BABY is designed to accommodate all stages of pregnancy and various fitness levels. These classes are for moms only.
Core & Restore is a low-impact 20-minute workout that is equal parts challenge and calm. With a focus on deep core work, trunk stabilization, and full body mobility, this class will leave you feeling strong, capable, and connected as you take on the day-to-day demands of mom life.
TriggerPoint Recovery is a 20-minute virtual class designed to relieve tension, improve mobility, and accelerate recovery through targeted self-myofascial release. Using a combination of triggerpoint ball and guided breathwork, you'll learn simple yet effective techniques to release tightness, increase blood flow, and reduce soreness in commonly overworked areas like the back, legs, and shoulders.
Body Well is about the journey, meeting you where you are & challenging you to grow. This 8-week program includes small group fitness coaching, nutritional guidance, recipes + meal planners, community-based workouts, and weekly challenges to help you manage stress and sleep better. Body Well will focus on improving your physical and mental well-being with a community of mamas to support you every step of the way. The next session starts on January 7th!
Try each of our three stroller-based workouts and meet mamas from all of our in-person locations all in one place and at one time!
Restorative yoga is a 30-minute Yin-inspired yoga class that incorporates meditation, deep stretches, and moderate-length holds to encourage a deep and restful sleep. This class will promote flexibility, mobility, and circulation while allowing your body to enter into a deep state of relaxation. Allow yourself this time before bed to still the mind, calm those achy muscles, and enter into a rejuvenating sleep.
Join us on the second Saturday of every month for a FAMILY workout. That's right - bring your spouse, sister, mom, aunt, grandma, (anyone over the age of 18, really!), to join you at class.
Our Village - Play Group Free Purchase required to enroll
Our goal is to provide meaningful experiences for both you and your kiddo(s). We facilitate uplifting supportive conversation for mom and developmental activities for children that emphasize wonder, discover and creativity. Join us at our weekly play groups after class on Mondays in Hixson, Tuesdays downtown, and Wednesdays in Collegedale.
All moms are welcome, regardless of membership status. We welcome you, even if you have never attended our classes.
All moms are welcome, regardless of membership status. We welcome you, even if you have never attended our classes.
Our Village - Mom's Night Out Free Purchase required to enroll
This is a time for you! The goal of our monthly Mom's Night Out is to provide an activity to allow you and your mama friends to re-discover adult conversation and personal passions. Join us for a variety of mom-only activities around Chattanooga!
All moms are welcome, regardless of membership status. We welcome you, even if you have never attended our classes.
All moms are welcome, regardless of membership status. We welcome you, even if you have never attended our classes.
Our Village - Field Trip Free Purchase required to enroll
We get it - going to new places for the first time with your baby or as a newly postpartum mom with multiples can be daunting, exhausting, and just plain hard. And sometimes you want to go somewhere but need more eyes and hands! Join Our Village for field trips around Chattanooga.
All moms are welcome, regardless of membership status. We welcome you, even if you have never attended our classes.
All moms are welcome, regardless of membership status. We welcome you, even if you have never attended our classes.